A simple way to calculate your fairfreelance rate

Daily & Hourly rate calculator freelance

Basil created a free tool to help freelancers hone their price and create custom pricing tiers for different clients.

Try it out!
Enter Details & Calculate ⇢

The 3 C's


Calculate a price that enables you to save towards retirement, vacation time, and spending goals.


This calculator "sanity-checks" against your peer's rates and makes sure you're not undervaluing your input.


Your calculated rate is based on your living expenses, money goals, and worklife habits.

Freelancers who've used the tool say:

Freelance Writer
"This tool is great for people jumping into freelance or freelancers who want to negotiate higher rates!!"
Freelance Video Producer
“This is absolutely incredible. It told me to raise my rate.... Also, it took taxes into consideration and broke it out by day. F*cking Fantastic.”
Freelance SEO/Web Consultant
“Found out I was charging wayyy below market rate! Bumped that sh*t up!”
Freelance Video Editor
"I was able to confidently increase my rate by $50/day after using this tool."

Enter info, Receive a custom rate breakdown

  • Calculate Hourly rate
  • Daily rate
  • Retirement savings
  • Taxes

Your info is safe with us.

Once we send your custom rate card, we separate your email and the rest of your data is anonymized.

Enter your details & we'll do the math!